Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to be Confident? The Answer is Get Confidence in Yourself

Learn how to be confident. This will make you to be confident in facing a large number of audiences and you can get confidence from them. How to get confidence is what this article gives you.

Confidence is somewhat easy single word to utter but hard to find and perform. If you think you are an embarrassing person, have you asked yourself how to be confident? How to get confidence in yourself? This article provides you more detailed information and various ways to be confident. Read this article and I am sure you’ll be confident!

Most of us experience fear not of being killed or injured physically but emotionally ashamed with other people. Perhaps most of your friends will tell to you “relax and be confident” before you face the fear facing the crowd like performing a public speech, presentation, report, etc. Yes, this confidence boosting words would be very helpful if you yourself know how to be confident. However, the strength of facing the crowd should always start with you. Try to assess yourself if what are the possible things to do? How to get confidence in yourself? There are various ways to relax yourself and never fear the crowd or being ashamed, by reading this article to the last part you will be able to know the ways to get confidence and confidently ready yourself for facing a large crowd.

Various Ways on How to Get Confidence in Yourself

Be Confident and Comfortable with Your Dress to Get Confidence

Of course personality matters, we all know that your personality could bring you advantage especially if we talk about career building. Dressing is one of the most important factors in building a professional and respectable personality. This is one of the basic and effective ways to get confidence in yourself. Of course, if are about to face the crowd, they are already expecting you to be respectful and to be respected. Together with your friends and families’ words “relax yourself- you can do it- be confident”. Dress the most appropriate for the occasion. For example you are about to attend a graduation ceremony and you are the guest speaker on that occasion, consider yourself dressing a graduation dress perhaps formal or semi-formal would be great.

Get Confidence by Considering the Walking Speed

As they always say, action speaks louder than words and your action could determine the level of your confidence in a particular occasion. Every walking speed has its own meaning to other people, like walking to fast may indicate tensions or nervousness, walking to slow also tend to convey a tired and exhausted personality. It is important to get confidence by assessing your walking speed. Of course, at first you are feeling nervous especially a minute before your fearful moment. Try to walk back and forth few minutes before facing the crowd and relax yourself by walking in the stage or speaking area at a normal speed. This is one way of telling your audience that you are prepared to speak and share the knowledge in your speech well. This could bring you a good relationship to your audience and thus, they will listen to you and absorb the message of your speech.

How do you pose is like Answering How to Get Confidence

This is not literally meant that you are posing like a super model taken with pictures. This pose is a professional pose for your professional speech. Good pose means good and confident personality, and poor pose means being uncomfortable and lose of confidence at all. This should be overcome to be confident with your public speech or any presentation you are required to present with large numbers of people or audience. This is one of the best ways to carry you in front of many people. By your professional poses while delivering your speech or report, it is like telling your audience “hey audience, I am so much confident with myself”. Poses are great however, to be able to be confident enough proper poses should be considered depending on the occasion.

Two-Way Communication is a Great Way to Get Confidence

Let’s say you dressed appropriately and professionally, you prepared a great and inspirational message or speech, you well practiced you walking speed and appropriate poses for the audience. Perhaps you may think that it is already perfect and all are ready to go. But wait, are your audience listening and understanding your message? Perhaps this could be a big problem and two way communications should be considered. It’s like I talk to you and you will respond to me through eye contacts, silence, movements, etc. This is said to be a very effective communication process between the speaker and the receiver of the message. Be confident and tell your audience through your whole personality that you are safe and friendly. Not all of your audience is professionals, it is very important to know them and to know you as well.

To Be Confident, Consider Give and Take Relationship

Your audience is like your partner, you talk well and they listen well. Upon listening and absorbing the knowledge from your speech, inside their mind they are very thankful and satisfied usually them applause for your wonderful speech. You do not need to be perfect to be confident, after your speech, you should thank the audience for listening. In this way, you have shown your respect like what respect they have given to you. This is one of the best ways to get confidence in yourself.

Assess yourself and Get Confidence if necessary!

Now you’ve already read this article, probably you already have the idea on how to be confident. If you start to do some of this ways to get confidence, just drop by to this article and read again to fully understand on how to get confidence. In yourself, you already have the passion and interest what lacks are the confident to do things that you fear of. Be confident! Throw away your fear, they won’t kill you.

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