Friday, August 12, 2011

How to Feel Better About Yourself - Increase Your Self Confidence

Discover the Ways on How to Feel Better About Yourself. Increasing your self-confidence is one of the best ways to make you feel better. Improve your personal development and avoid being depressed.

Develop Your Personality and Self-Confidence - Make Yourself Feel Better

Are you working in a big company? Or studying in a University? Have you experienced feeling bad mentally and physically? Developing your personality is very useful especially in the workplace. There are many challenges in the workplace, study, or home that could make you feel depressed and anxious. This article will demonstrate to you if how to feel better about yourself. Being confident increases your personal image, and development.

How to feel better about yourself is somewhat hard to attain especially if you are in the world of depression, problems, and anxiety.  To make you feel better, start building up your self confidence and open your mind to solve many problems in this world full of reasons to be depressed. Personality and confidence are the perfect attributes to make you feel good and happier.

Ways to Feel Better About Yourself

Comparing Yourself
Sometimes people might say that comparing yourself to others could be more distressing especially if others have lot of attitudes and achievements that you don’t have at all.  However, if we talk about developing your personality, it is really better to compare yourself to others in a different way. Why not compare yourself to those less fortunate and you think that they do not possess what you have. In this way, you can feel about yourself that you are more fortunate because you still have the things and achievements that others are wishing for.

Don’t Let your Heart be Broken
Have you tried breaking up with your girlfriend or boyfriend because of lost of communication, third parties, and lack of time? Breaking up with your partner is one of the most common reasons why people get depressed, anxious, and frustrated. Since, breaking up involves problems related to feelings in the heart, why not build-up yourself to feel good again? If someone broke your heart, think that you feel hurt because you have the capability to love and this characteristic of an individual is an indication for a happier life.

Don’t Let Yourself Stubborn
Never let yourself to be stubborn because of breaking up or lost of confidence. Stand up! Move and do our daily routines. Self entertainment could help you recover from great anxiety and depression. You can play a piano, listen to music, watch your favorite movies, doing your favorite sports, etc. all these things make you a more confident and happier person.

Change Things that Need to Be Changed
Never let yourself do your daily routines as it is day by day for many weeks or months. Explore yourself, be adventurous, and set a scheduled date for you leisure and entertainment activities. Weekends are the perfect days to feel better about yourself since these are non-working days. Think about going out with your friends or family, they could be your confidence builders especially if you feel bad about yourself because of depression from your work or study. As they always say, there is always a time for everything and never focus forever only for one thing because balancing yourself is like building up a strong foundation of life and personality.

Call your Confidence Builders
If you are in a great depression, anxiety, and hopelessness, it is time to call your confidence builders. They are your saviors especially if you feel bad or ashamed about yourself because they are those people who could always understand your problems and the challenges that you are currently facing. Yes, you are right your friends are your confidence builders in life. They are your providers of non-stop advice and happiness. There is no reason to ignore them when you need to feel better and happier again.

Self Confidence and Feelings

One of the most common reasons of a person’s depression and anxiety is being not confident with himself. Because of lack of confidence, there is no communication within the inner feelings of the person. Self confidence and feelings are somewhat partners with each other since they tend to connect in most of depressive situations of life. For instance in your study, your professor scolds you and utter you shameful words that really hurt your feelings. You will lose confidence and eventually do not feel better about yourself. It is very important increase your self confidence when facing your professor or anyone in your place. In this way, you can build up your confidence again as well as increase the development of your personality. Read the next section about ways on how to increase your self confidence.

Effective Ways to Increase Your Self Confidence

The basic rule for this is the more self confident you are the more likely for you to succeed. Follow these tips and I’m sure you can gain not just development in your personality but also your feelings of being confident and feeling better. Give your life a good and happier life! Follow and apply the following easy ways to answer your “how to” questions about better feelings with you.

Wear Proper Clothes
Clothes do not just cover the entire body or make someone’s appearance to be more beautiful and adorable. Wearing proper clothes could create a great positive outlook in your self confidence building goals. Clothes also communicate to someone’s personality. Wearing proper clothes in a certain occasion makes everything feel better especially with yourself. Of course, if you don’t look good with your clothes, it changes the way you feel about yourself as well as the other’s view with your whole personality.

Wearing clean and proper clothes should also be done with frequent bathing, shaving as well as following with the latest fashion styles. Wearing proper and latest fashioned clothes don’t mean that you need to buy the most expensive one. You just need to purchase clothes with good quality instead of buying many clothes at a cheaper price.

Give Yourself a Proper Poise
This is more likely to be noticeable than wearing proper clothes because poise and other gestures especially improper gestures tend to be recognized easily. It greatly reduces the self confidence and your overall personality to other people. Even you cannot hear those words from other people at your back their strange looks and facial reactions tell a pitiful and annoying communication with your personality.

Lack of confidence could be easily noticed especially if you have lethargic movements together with slumped shoulder. It’s like you are telling to those people around you that you are not confident with yourself. If you act like being nervous and conscious with your movements, people who noticed it will possibly don’t trust you that much, which will greatly drop down your credibility. Be enthusiastic with your movements to build a stronger and credible image to other people. Always make an eye to eye contact when having conversations, chin up, and stand straight for sure you’ll see the difference with your confidence.

Be Thankful! Not Stressful
Thinking if how to feel better about yourself will only increase your depression and anxiety. This would also create a very stressful mind. Our mind is like a computer processor, processing thousands of calculations or thinking every second. If you only think about what you want you are just giving the brain a reason to be stressed. This is because people, who only think of what they wanted, could be greatly depressed when they didn’t have it especially if they made effort for it. Why not just be thankful all day on what you have and what your life can give? These are positive lights or approaches for a better life and better you.

Actually, this is also a great stress relieving activity that could help you avoid depressions and increase the confidence level in you. If you have time, you can list all the people in your life that you might consider confidence builders and those things that was done. Recall all your successes, greatest and happy moments in your life, and relationships that you have undergone. All of these will give yourself a head start to feel good.

Motivate Yourself
No one could help you but you yourself. If you want to increase your level of personality and feel better, think of about ways to motivate you. You can listen to persuasive or motivational speech, or you can ask yourself some questions to motivate you. This is called communication within and you can also be your confidence builders if you only know how to use it. However, sometimes listening to the guest speaker from speeches is considered one way communication it is like one way relationship. Why not create your own speech, and recite it in front of the mirror? If you are a student, it is very useful especially in your oral speech subject. This is called self practice.

Appreciate Other People
Since we talked a while ago about one way communication, appreciating other people make them feel important in your life. If we think and perceive things in a negative way, that negativity in mind is projected to other people in different ways. We tend to show this negative thinking through our gestures, movements, the way we talk, eyes, smiles, etc. Unfortunately, you can never hide this to get build up things and make them believe that you are okay. This is because there are people who are called keen observer these people could observe and feel the meaning of your stare, your smile, your gestures, movements, and others. This could be a sign of being not confident to others.

Increasing your confidence level is as simply as appreciating other people, for example, if you are a manager in your own company and you observe good things to your janitor, or secretary, appreciate them! Give them the appreciation that they deserve to make them feel better too. This appreciation to others is a long lasting impact, and through this you can build up your image being a manager with a good heart. If you are an employee or an ordinary person, you cannot resist people talking to you all day relating their experiences and telling other peoples’ attitudes. This is called gossip, never engage to any gossip activities especially if you are in a company or workplace. You have your own life and work to do, mind your own work or business and surely you will increase you confidence level.

Sit in Front
Mostly, students sit at the back when the class is about to start. Perhaps this is to avoid being called for a recitation, or being noticed by the professor. However, this is an obvious indication of having lack of self confidence especially if there are no reasons at all to sit at the back row of the class room. You are having your class and you should study better. Your professor won’t kill you and sometimes they prefer to call people at the back for a recitation.

To build up your confidence level, feel better about yourself enter the class with a smile to the professor and fellow students. Sit in front so that you can clearly understand what your professor is talking about raise your hand if you have the idea about the topic. Through this, you can gradually improve your personality and this is one of the best ways to study better.

Tell Others What You Think
Most of the time during discussions in a meeting or class, you can see participants that do not actively participate and just listen until the end of the meeting. This is a sign that you are afraid of being judged by them on what unrelated words you might say. Participation is very important to a discussion, this is simply sharing your idea regarding on the topic they are discussing about. Of course, all participants in the meeting have their own idea and words to share. Never think about this fear and it’s your part to share to others of what you think.

There are many things to do with this busy world, and there are many reasons to not to feel good and confident. Asking if how to feel better about yourself is like telling how to be confident. You have already read the tips and ways on how to do it. Just go outside, forget your depression, fear, and anxiety. There are many reasons to feel good or better, just focus on your goals in life and do things that could increase your self confidence.

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